Choose a letter and you can find a list of the verbs with their English meaning
Here you can find the conjugation of the verbs
Verbos D
Descansar - to rest
Descargar - to unload, to download
Desconectar - to unplug, to disconnect
Desconfiar - to mistrust
Describir - to describe
Desear - to wish
Deshacer - to untie, to unpack
Desordenar - to mess up
Despedir - to see off, to fire
Destrozar - to wreck
Destruir - to destroy
Detener - to stop, to arrest
Determinar - to determine
Dibujar - to draw
Dificultar - to make...difficult
Disculpar - to apologize
Discutir - to quarrel
Disfrutar - to enjoy
Distinguir - to distinguish, to make out
Distraer - to distract
Distribuir - to distribute
Dividir - to divide
Dormir - to sleep
Dudar - to doubt
Durar - to last
Dar - to give
Dañar - to hurt
Deber - must, to owe, to be obliged to
Decepcionar - to disappoint
Decidir - to decide
Decir - to say
Declarar- to declare
Decorar - to decorate
Dedicar - to dedicate
Deducir - to deduce
Defender - to defend
Definir - to define
Defraudar - to disappoint
Dejar - to leave
Deletrear - to spell
Demostrar - to demonstrate, to prove
Denunciar - to report
Depender - to depend
Derramar - to spill
Derretir - to melt
Derrotar - to defeat
Desaparecer - to disappear
Desarrollar - to develop
Desayunar - to have breakfast