Here you can find the conjugation of the verbs
Spanish Verbs
Verbos R
Reparar - to repair
Repartir - to hand out, to deliver
Repetir - to repeat
Representar - to represent
Reprobar - to fail
Resaltar - to stand out, to highlight
Rescatar - to rescue
Reservar - to reserve
Resistir - to resist
Respetar - to respect
Respirar - to breathe
Responder - to answer
Resultar - to turn out
Resumir - to summarize
Retirar - to take away
Retrasar - to postpone, to delay
Reventar - to burst
Rezar - to pray
Robar - to steal, to rob
Rodar - to surround
Rogar - to beg
Romper - to break, to tear up
Roncar - to snore
Rapar - to crop, to shave
Rascar - to scratch with the nails
Rasgar - to rip
Rayar - to scratch
Reaccionar - to react
Realizar - to carry out
Rebajar - to reduce
Recargar - to recharge
Recibir - to receive
Reciclar - to recycle
Reclamar - to complain
Recoger - to pick up, to collect
Recomendar - to recommend
Reconocer - to recognize, to admit
Recordar - to remember
Recorrer - to travel around
Recuperar - to get back
Reducir - to reduce, to cut
Reemplazar - to replace
Reflejar - to reflect
Reflexionar - to think
Reformar - to reform, to do up
Regalar - to give, to give away
Regañar - to tell off
Registrar - to register
Regresar - to go back, to come back
Reir - to laugh
Relacionar - to link
Rellenar - to fill in
Remover - to turn over
Rentar - to rent