Here you can find the conjugation of the verbs
Spanish Verbs
Verbos P
Pintar - to paint
Pisar - to walk on
Planear - to plan
Poder - can, to be able
Poner - to put
Posar - to pose
Poseer - to possess
Practicar - to practice
Predecir - to predict
Preferir - to prefer
Preguntar - to ask
Preparar - to prepare
Presentar - to introduce, to hand in
Prestar - to lend
Pretender - to intend
Probar - to prove, to taste
Producir - to produce
Progresar - to progress
Pronunciar - to pronounce
Proponer - to suggest
Protestar - to protest
Publicar - to publish
Padecer - to suffer from
Pagar - to pay, to pay for
Parar - to stop
Parecer - to seem, to look
Parpadear - to blink
Participar - to take part
Partir - to cut, to leave
Pasar - to pass, to go past, to spend, to happen
Pasear - to walk
Patinar - to roller -skate, to skate
Pecar - to sinn
Pedalear - to pedal
Pedir - to to ask for, to ask, to order
Pegar - to hit, to stick, to give
Peinar - to comb, to brush
Pelar - to peel, to shell
Pelear - to fight, to argue
Pellizcar - to to pinch
Pensar - to think
Percibir - to notice, to see, to sense
Perder - to lose
Perdonar - to forgive
Perfeccionar - to improve
Permanecer - to remain
Permitir - to allow
Perseguir - to chase, to persecute
Persuadir - to persuade
Pertenecer - to belong
Pescar - to fish